F: Filial generation
This refers to how many generations removed a cat is from its African Serval ancestry. An F1 Savannah Cat is a first generation offspring and has a Serval parent (usually a Serval father and a domestic mom). An F2 is a second generation offspring with a Serval grandparent, an F3 is a third generation offspring with a Serval great grandparent, and so on.
Savannah generation filial numbers also have a letter showing the generations of Savannah to Savannah breeding(s)…
A: one parent is a Savannah, the other parent is an outcross (for example, the Serval).
B: both parents are Savannahs; at least one parent is an A, and at least one grandparent on either side is an outcross.
C: both parents are B or better; at least one parent is a B, and at least one grandparent is an A.
SBT: Stud Book Tradition. The kitten has Savannah parents for at least three generations, and is considered a pure-bred Savannah Cat.